Create interactive contours of a 2d density estimate
The geometries are based on ggplot2::geom_density_2d()
and ggplot2::geom_density_2d_filled()
See the documentation for those functions for more details.
- ...
arguments passed to base function, plus any of the interactive_parameters.
Details for interactive geom functions
The interactive parameters can be supplied with two ways:
As aesthetics with the mapping argument (via
). In this way they can be mapped to data columns and apply to a set of geometries.As plain arguments into the geom_*_interactive function. In this way they can be set to a scalar value.
# add interactive contours to a ggplot -------
m <- ggplot(faithful, aes(x = eruptions, y = waiting)) +
geom_point_interactive(aes(tooltip = paste("Waiting:", waiting, "\neruptions:", eruptions))) +
xlim(0.5, 6) +
ylim(40, 110)
p <- m + geom_density_2d_interactive(aes(tooltip = paste("Level:", after_stat(level))))
x <- girafe(ggobj = p)
if (interactive()) print(x)
dsmall <- diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000), ]
d <- ggplot(dsmall, aes(x, y))
p <- d + geom_density_2d_interactive(aes(colour = cut, tooltip = cut, data_id = cut))
x <- girafe(ggobj = p)
x <- girafe_options(x = x,
opts_hover(css = "stroke:red;stroke-width:3px;") )
if (interactive()) print(x)
p <- d + geom_density_2d_filled_interactive(aes(colour = cut, tooltip = cut, data_id = cut),
contour_var = "count") + facet_wrap(vars(cut))
x <- girafe(ggobj = p)
x <- girafe_options(x = x,
opts_hover(css = "stroke:red;stroke-width:3px;") )
if (interactive()) print(x)
p <- d + stat_density_2d(aes(fill = after_stat(nlevel),
tooltip = paste("nlevel:", after_stat(nlevel))),
geom = "interactive_polygon") +
facet_grid(. ~ cut) + scale_fill_viridis_c_interactive(tooltip = "nlevel")
x <- girafe(ggobj = p)
if (interactive()) print(x)