class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Using R as a BI tool ###
david.gohel @
### 2017-11-15 --- # About me > 15 years of experience with data : * statistical software edition * CRM software edition * retails * climate business intelligence * web analytics * ... to be continued Favorite tools: <img src="img/Rlogo.svg" height="18px"> R packages: [officer]( [flextable]( [mschart]( [rvg]( [ggiraph]( [gdtools]( --- class: middle, inverse, center # Business intelligence > Using internal and external <span class="bigtext">data</span> to provide insights <span class="bigtext">to help decision</span> --- class: middle <p class="sing">BI is consummed by people who are deciding, evaluating or communicating...</p> --- class: middle <p class="sing">BI is been used on demand and daily/weekly/monthly</p> --- class: middle <p class="sing">BI is ubiquitous</p> --- class: middle <p class="sing">Technically speaking, it is always about:</p> * Structuring data * Aggregations * Transformations * KPI calculation and optimization * Reporting --- class: middle, inverse, center # BI can be made with R --- class: middle ## Does R fit to BI? .left-column[ ## IO ] .right-column[ R can now read and write all data format I may need:
] --- class: middle ## Does R fit to BI? .left-column[ ## IO ] .right-column[ R can now connect to any database (SGBD, big data systems, ...) I may need to access... The [R consortium](, [RStudio team]( cleaned and improved databases support. ```r library(DBI) con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname = 'db_name', host = 'host', port = 5432, user = 'username', password = 'pwd') con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), driver = "PostgreSQL Driver", database = "db_name", uid = "username", pwd = "pwd", host = "host", port = 5432) res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM studies limit 5") ``` See [Databases using R]( ] --- class: middle ## Does R fit to BI? .left-column[ ## IO ## data processing ] .right-column[ [tidyverse]( and [data.table]( packages are covering 99% of necessary operations (join, aggregation, filtering, sorting, etc.). [fuzzyjoin]( and [tidytext]( are easy enough to work with difficult textual data. ] --- class: middle ## Does R fit to BI? .left-column[ ## IO ## data processing ## checking ] .right-column[ [lumberjack]( is providing a logger system to monitor changes in data. [validate]( is offering a set of function that will check if data are valid. Of course, [tidyverse]( and [data.table]( are ubiquitous in this area also. ] --- class: middle ## Does R fit to BI? .left-column[ ## IO ## data processing ## checking ## exploration ] .right-column[ [ggplot2]( is providing an easy API to plot everything. [tidyverse]( and [data.table]( [htmlwidgets for R - gallery]( interactive visualisations ] --- class: middle ## Does R fit to BI? .left-column[ ## IO ## data processing ## checking ## exploration ## reporting ] .right-column[ ### Static reporting [rmarkdown]( is allowing the production of HTML, PDF, MS Word, HTML dashboard, HTML static web sites. Package [officer]( is offering several options to produce Word and PowerPoint files and package [openxlsx]( brings a rich API to produce Excel files. ### Interactive reporting [shiny]( fits very well for small and medium audiences. [ShinyProxy]( is also a serious candidate for shiny application. [RStudio Connect]( is more than decent enterprise solution (shiny + static pages + scheduler + easy user managment). ] --- # Successful architectures > those I has experienced... .left-column[ ## R client ] .right-column[ R fits on an USB key. Perfect for simple projects. ] --- # Successful architectures > those I has experienced... .left-column[ ## R client ## opencpu ] .right-column[ R as a service; an HTTP based server that can be called from any application able to manage HTTP protocol. Highly secure Pleases the IT Requires experienced R coders to develop packages ] --- # Successful architectures > those I has experienced... .left-column[ ## R client ## opencpu ## RStudio Connect ] .right-column[ Easy and reliable. User management, content management, scheduler, etc. It is not open source ] --- # Successful architectures > those I has experienced... .left-column[ ## R client ## opencpu ## RStudio Connect ## Rscript ] .right-column[ Good old `crontab` or `Luigi` (build complex pipelines of batch jobs). See also [littler]( Pleases the IT For simple jobs ] --- class: middle, inverse, center # BI with R - pros and cons --- # BI with R - The good -- Thanks to its package ecosystem, R has <span class="bigtext">no functional limit</span>. -- By allowing pretty and innovative outputs, <span class="bigtext">R value our work</span>. -- It cost only an R coder to try and test. -- **Self BI is now possible and will be required more and more.** -- **R community will help!** --- # BI with R - Cons -- Resistance from IT teams. *R is a live ecosystem, not a finite solution ready to be installed*. -- Can be unoptimized. A newbie script is often just a proof it can be done, not a complete and robust analytic. -- R is a glue system made of many packages and structured by its history, IT IS NOT a database system, it does not come with a visual GUI. -- 13 000 packages! Choice issue... Again, need for a someone experimented with R. --- class: middle, inverse, center # Stories --- ## Reporting with packages `officer` and `mschart` Story: a [yougov]( service whole role is to *do some BI* was spending too much time preparing PowerPoint documents for business analysts. Solution: [mschart]( to be able to deliver pre-formatted PowerPoints charts from an R analytic. (founder: yougov) > business analysts still can annotate graphical reports and adapt content without leaving their favorite tool and without vampiring other services precious time. ```r library(officer) library(mschart) my_barchart <- ms_barchart(data = browser_data, x = "browser", y = "value", group = "serie") doc <- read_pptx() doc <- add_slide(doc, layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme") doc <- ph_with_chart(doc, chart = my_barchart) print(doc, target = "samples/barchart_example.pptx") ``` [barchart_example.pptx](samples/barchart_example.pptx) --- ## Clinical reporting Story: reduce time to update clinical reporting (Word format): * minimum 80 pages of clinical tables and graphics * CDISC model * This has to be made several times per study, there are several studies... There is a limited amount of time in a team of 6. Solution: Developped packages for clinical studies treatment and reporting. When clinical database is updated, reports are generated. --- ## Web analytics stories Story: a department is not willing to share its data internally, BI coders are stucked. Solution: use packages [charlatan]( or [wakefield]( to simulate data according to the *signed contract*. > we were no more stuck while arguing with the other department. --- class: middle, inverse, center # Use case: RTE --- # Antares > a Monte-Carlo software for power systems analysis: A New Tool for Adequacy Reports and Economic Simulations. * Generation / Load balance studies * Economic assessment of Generation projects * Economic assessment of Transmission projects .left-column[ ## The need ] .right-column[ A tool to generate <span class="bigtext">validated datasets</span> based on data provided by ENTSOE (*european network of transmission system operators for electricity*). This datasets will be used to play various Monte-carlo scenarii with `antares`. ] --- # Antares > a Monte-Carlo software for power systems analysis: A New Tool for Adequacy Reports and Economic Simulations. * Generation / Load balance studies * Economic assessment of Generation projects * Economic assessment of Transmission projects .left-column[ ## The need ## Difficulties ] .right-column[ * Each country is sending *highly staked* information. Treatments must be specific for each country. * Aggregation instructions differ for each country. * Some measures are wrong and must be corrected ] --- # Antares > a Monte-Carlo software for power systems analysis: A New Tool for Adequacy Reports and Economic Simulations. * Generation / Load balance studies * Economic assessment of Generation projects * Economic assessment of Transmission projects .left-column[ ## The need ## Difficulties ## Open source ] .right-column[ * Project is beeing hosted on github: * Later on CRAN * roughly 50% complete * Datasets will be open-sourced also! ] --- ## read raw datasets ```r load_data <- anta_load_read(data_dir = load_path) ``` ```r sample_n(load_data, size = 3) %>% regulartable() %>% theme_vanilla() %>% autofit() ```
> Which countries did not send data from 2015 to 2016? ```r load_data %>% filter(observed) %>% select(DateTime, country) %>% group_by(country) %>% summarise(start = min(DateTime, na.rm = TRUE), end = max(DateTime, na.rm = TRUE) ) %>% filter( year(start) >= 2015 ) %>% regulartable() %>% theme_vanilla() %>% autofit() ```
--- ## Raw validations ``` rules: - expr: observed==TRUE name: IS_OBS - expr: is.finite(TotalLoadValue) name: IS_FINITE - expr: sign(TotalLoadValue)>0 name: IS_POS ``` ```r load_data_v <- antaDraft::augment_validation(load_data) ```
--- ## Raw validations > Quality control summary to be sent to data provider ```r qc <- load_data_v %>% qualcon() dir.create(path = "qc/qc_raw", recursive = TRUE) render_quality(qc, dir = "qc/qc_raw") ```
--- ## Datasets creation (aggregate messy data...) ```r aggregated_db <- aggregate_with_rules(load_data_v) head(sample_n(aggregated_db, size = 10)) ``` ``` ## country DateTime BZN CTA CTY ## 52571 SWITZERLAND 2015-05-18 11:00:00 6853.79 6853.79 6853.79 ## 76849 ITALY 2015-08-04 07:00:00 41414.00 41414.00 41414.00 ## 194063 SWITZERLAND 2016-08-13 23:00:00 5047.89 5047.89 5047.89 ## 50390 BELGIUM 2015-05-11 12:00:00 10928.13 10928.13 10928.13 ## 216839 SWITZERLAND 2016-10-25 23:00:00 6804.77 6804.77 6804.77 ## 164828 AUSTRIA 2016-05-12 07:00:00 72585.00 8772.40 8772.40 ``` --- ## Datasets creation - How? ``` ITALY: CTY: - IT CTA: - IT BZN: - IT_CNOR - IT_CSUD - IT_NORD - IT_SARD - IT_SICI - IT_SUD GERMANY: CTY: - DE CTA: - DE_TenneT_GER - DE_TransnetBW - DE_Amprion - DE_50HzT BZN: - DE_AT_LU - "!CTY|AUSTRIA" - "!CTY|LUXEMBOURG" ``` --- ## Datasets validations .left-column[ ## yaml files ] .right-column[ Simple rules to run row by row: ``` rules: - expr: is.finite(CTY) name: CTY_NA - expr: is.finite(CTA) name: CTA_NA - expr: is.finite(BZN) name: BZN_NA - expr: ((CTY - lag(CTY)) / CTY) < .5 & ((lag(CTY) - CTY) / lag(CTY)) < .5 name: CTY_LAG_LT_50 - expr: ((CTA - lag(CTA)) / CTA) < .5 & ((lag(CTA) - CTA) / lag(CTA)) < .5 name: CTA_LAG_LT_50 - expr: ((BZN - lag(BZN)) / BZN) < .5 & ((lag(BZN) - BZN) / lag(BZN)) < .5 name: BZN_LAG_LT_50 ``` ] --- ## Datasets validations .left-column[ ## yaml files ] .right-column[ Some rules need to be filtered (false positives) ``` - drop: - CTY_IS_POS - CTY_CTA_EQUAL - CTY_BZN_EQUAL - CTY_CTA_DIFF_LT_05 - CTY_BZN_DIFF_LT_05 - CTY_CTA_DIFF_LT_10 - CTY_BZN_DIFF_LT_10 - CTY_LAG_LT_50 when_not: - CTY_NA - drop: - CTA_BZN_DIFF_LT_05 - CTA_BZN_EQUAL when_not: - CTA_BZN_DIFF_LT_10 ``` ] --- ## Datasets validations .left-column[ ## yaml files ## Validations ] .right-column[ ```r aggregated_db <- augment_validation(aggregated_db) head(sample_n(aggregated_db, size = 10)) ``` ``` ## country DateTime BZN CTA CTY CTY_NA ## 39488 LUXEMBOURG 2015-04-06 13:00:00 398.60 398.60 398.60 TRUE ## 142290 IRELAND 2016-03-01 01:00:00 2894.07 2894.07 2894.07 TRUE ## 161866 FRANCE 2016-05-02 19:00:00 52105.00 52105.00 52105.00 TRUE ## 113993 NORTH_IRELAND 2015-12-01 08:00:00 1019.00 1019.00 NA FALSE ## 110617 UK 2015-11-20 12:00:00 46367.00 46367.00 48911.00 TRUE ## 99693 NORTH_IRELAND 2015-10-16 12:00:00 1133.00 1133.00 NA FALSE ## CTA_NA BZN_NA CTY_IS_POS CTA_IS_POS BZN_IS_POS CTY_CTA_EQUAL ## 39488 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 142290 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 161866 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 113993 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 110617 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE ## 99693 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## CTY_BZN_EQUAL CTA_BZN_EQUAL CTY_CTA_DIFF_LT_05 CTY_BZN_DIFF_LT_05 ## 39488 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 142290 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 161866 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 113993 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 110617 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE ## 99693 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## CTA_BZN_DIFF_LT_05 CTY_CTA_DIFF_LT_10 CTY_BZN_DIFF_LT_10 ## 39488 TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 142290 TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 161866 TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 113993 TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 110617 TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 99693 TRUE TRUE TRUE ## CTA_BZN_DIFF_LT_10 CTY_LAG_LT_50 CTA_LAG_LT_50 BZN_LAG_LT_50 ## 39488 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 142290 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 161866 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 113993 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 110617 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## 99693 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ``` ] --- ## Datasets validations .left-column[ ## yaml files ## Validations ] .right-column[ > made with package `UpSetR` <!-- --> ] --- ## Datasets validations .left-column[ ## yaml files ## Validations ] .right-column[ > This country is not playing the game ;) <!-- --> ] --- ## Datasets corrections .left-column[ ## yaml file ] .right-column[ > Corrections expressed by an expert ``` - replace: CTA use: CTY when_false: - CTA_NA when_true: - BZN_NA - CTY_NA - CTY_BZN_EQUAL - replace: CTY use: CTA country: when_false: - CTY_NA when_true: - BZN_NA - CTA_NA - CTA_BZN_EQUAL ``` ] --- ## Datasets corrections .left-column[ ## yaml file ## corrections ] .right-column[ ```r corrected_db <- aggregated_db %>% data_correct_with_rules() %>% augment_process_summary() ``` ] --- ## Datasets corrections .left-column[ ## yaml file ## corrections ] .right-column[
] --- ## More corrections Here we are trying to complete invalid data with predictions from a model (random forest) ```r rt_by_country <- readRDS("rf/rt_by_country.RDS") ```
--- ## More corrections ```r corrected_db = complete_with_model(corrected_db, rt_by_country) ```
--- <p class="sing">Thank you</p> Any questions?