gdtools 0.3.5
CRAN release: 2023-12-09
New features
can now directly generate a script file ready to be executed to install a ‘Google Font’, use argumentfile
gdtools 0.3.3
CRAN release: 2023-03-27
- no more calls to
. This should enable usage for those with no access to website used by ‘gfonts’.
gdtools 0.3.2
CRAN release: 2023-03-13
New features
- new function
to list installed font from ‘Google’
gdtools 0.3.0
CRAN release: 2023-01-15
New features
- The package now allows to download and work with Google Fonts thanks to the ‘gfonts’ and ‘systemfonts’ package. This is very useful for managing fonts with graphics produced with ‘ragg’, ‘svglite’ and ‘ggiraph’ but also with ‘flextable’ tables. Finally, it is possible to easily embed these fonts in HTML documents.
gdtools 0.2.0
CRAN release: 2019-09-03
- refactor - package is now using package systemfonts instead of using fontconfig to locate fonts file
gdtools 0.1.9
CRAN release: 2019-06-18
- keep locale intact when using various gdtools functions (fix #51)
- Reuse magick FONTCONFIG_PATH if exists
gdtools 0.1.6
CRAN release: 2017-09-01
- update with Rcpp 0.12.12
- new function
to test whether glyphs in strings are all existing in a font table or not.
gdtools 0.1.5
CRAN release: 2017-08-08
- increase tolerance in font metrics unit-tests as new version of freetype is slightly changing returned extents.
gdtools 0.1.4
CRAN release: 2017-03-17
- New file src/registerDynamicSymbol.c to correctly register provided routines
- a cleanup file to delete src/Makevars when package has been built
gdtools 0.1.3
CRAN release: 2016-11-11
- Add set_dummy_conf() and unset_dummy_conf() to set a minimalistic Fontconfig configuration. Useful to speed up cache building on Appveyor or CRAN.
- skip tests that need fontquiver when not installed.
gdtools 0.1.0
new functions
- sys_fonts: get system fonts details.
- font_family_exists: test if a given font family name can be matched exactly
- match_family: find best family match for a given Fontconfig pattern
- match_font: returns font information for a given Fontconfig pattern
- base64_string_export: encode a string in base64
- version_cairo: runtime version of the Cairo library
- version_freetype: runtime version of the FreeType library
- version_fontconfig: compile-time version of the Fontconfig library
gdtools 0.0.6
CRAN release: 2015-11-25
- Fix to prevent OSX CRAN builder from linking against old libs in /usr/local/lib (Jeroen Ooms)