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Add a flextable in a PowerPoint document object produced by officer::read_pptx().

This function will create a native PowerPoint table from the flextable and the result can be eventually edited.


# S3 method for flextable
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)



a pptx device


flextable object


a location for a placeholder. See officer::ph_location_type() for example.


unused arguments.


The width and height of the table can not be set with location. Use functions width(), height(), autofit() and dim_pretty() instead. The overall size is resulting from cells, paragraphs and text properties (i.e. padding, font size, border widths).


Captions are not printed in PowerPoint slides.

While captions are useful for document formats like Word, RTF, HTML, or PDF, they aren't directly supported in PowerPoint slides. Unlike documents with a defined layout, PowerPoint slides lack a structured document flow. They don't function like HTML documents or paginated formats (RTF, Word, PDF). This makes it technically challenging to determine the ideal placement for a caption within a slide. Additionally, including a caption within the table itself isn't feasible.



ft <- flextable(head(iris))

doc <- read_pptx()
doc <- add_slide(doc, "Title and Content", "Office Theme")
doc <- ph_with(doc, ft, location = ph_location_left())

fileout <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
print(doc, target = fileout)