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add object into a new shape in the current slide. This function is able to add all supported outputs to a presentation. See section Methods (by class) to see supported outputs.


ph_with(x, value, location, ...)

# S3 method for class 'character'
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)

# S3 method for class 'numeric'
ph_with(x, value, location, format_fun = format, ...)

# S3 method for class 'factor'
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)

# S3 method for class 'logical'
ph_with(x, value, location, format_fun = format, ...)

# S3 method for class 'block_list'
ph_with(x, value, location, level_list = integer(0), ...)

# S3 method for class 'unordered_list'
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  header = TRUE,
  tcf = table_conditional_formatting(),
  alignment = NULL,

# S3 method for class 'gg'
ph_with(x, value, location, res = 300, alt_text = "", scale = 1, ...)

# S3 method for class 'plot_instr'
ph_with(x, value, location, res = 300, ...)

# S3 method for class 'external_img'
ph_with(x, value, location, use_loc_size = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'fpar'
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)

# S3 method for class 'empty_content'
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)

# S3 method for class 'xml_document'
ph_with(x, value, location, ...)



an rpptx object


object to add as a new shape. Supported objects are vectors, data.frame, graphics, block of formatted paragraphs, unordered list of formatted paragraphs, pretty tables with package flextable, editable graphics with package rvg, 'Microsoft' charts with package mschart.


a placeholder location object. It will be used to specify the location of the new shape. This location can be defined with a call to one of the ph_location functions. See section "see also".


further arguments passed to or from other methods. When adding a ggplot object or plot_instr, these arguments will be used by png function.


format function for non character vectors


The list of levels for hierarchy structure as integer values. If used the object is formated as an unordered list. If 1 and 2, item 1 level will be 1, item 2 level will be 2.


display header if TRUE


conditional formatting settings defined by table_conditional_formatting()


alignment for each columns, 'l' for left, 'r' for right and 'c' for center. Default to NULL.


resolution of the png image in ppi


Alt-text for screen-readers. Defaults to "". If "" or NULL an alt text added with ggplot2::labs(alt = ...) will be used if any.


Multiplicative scaling factor, same as in ggsave


if set to FALSE, external_img width and height will be used.

Methods (by class)

  • ph_with(character): add a character vector to a new shape on the current slide, values will be added as paragraphs.

  • ph_with(numeric): add a numeric vector to a new shape on the current slide, values will be be first formatted then added as paragraphs.

  • ph_with(factor): add a factor vector to a new shape on the current slide, values will be be converted as character and then added as paragraphs.

  • ph_with(block_list): add a block_list made of fpar to a new shape on the current slide.

  • ph_with(unordered_list): add a unordered_list made of fpar to a new shape on the current slide.

  • ph_with(data.frame): add a data.frame to a new shape on the current slide with function block_table(). Use package flextable instead for more advanced formattings.

  • ph_with(gg): add a ggplot object to a new shape on the current slide. Use package rvg for more advanced graphical features.

  • ph_with(plot_instr): add an R plot to a new shape on the current slide. Use package rvg for more advanced graphical features.

  • ph_with(external_img): add a external_img to a new shape on the current slide.

    When value is a external_img object, image will be copied into the PowerPoint presentation. The width and height specified in call to external_img will be ignored, their values will be those of the location, unless use_loc_size is set to FALSE.

  • ph_with(fpar): add an fpar to a new shape on the current slide as a single paragraph in a block_list.

  • ph_with(empty_content): add an empty_content to a new shape on the current slide.

  • ph_with(xml_document): add an xml_document object to a new shape on the current slide. This function is to be used to add custom openxml code.



# this name will be used to print the file
# change it to "youfile.pptx" to write the pptx
# file in your working directory.
fileout <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")

doc_1 <- read_pptx()
sz <- slide_size(doc_1)
# add text and a table ----
doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1, layout = "Two Content", master = "Office Theme")
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = c("Table cars"),
  location = ph_location_type(type = "title")
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = names(cars),
  location = ph_location_left()
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = cars,
  location = ph_location_right()

# add a base plot ----
anyplot <- plot_instr(code = {
  col <- c(
    "#440154FF", "#443A83FF", "#31688EFF",
    "#21908CFF", "#35B779FF", "#8FD744FF", "#FDE725FF"
  barplot(1:7, col = col, yaxt = "n")

doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
doc_1 <- ph_with(doc_1, anyplot,
  location = ph_location_fullsize(),
  bg = "#006699"

# add a ggplot2 plot ----
if (require("ggplot2")) {
  doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
  gg_plot <- ggplot(data = iris) +
      mapping = aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length),
      size = 3
    ) +
  doc_1 <- ph_with(
    x = doc_1, value = gg_plot,
    location = ph_location_type(type = "body"),
    bg = "transparent"
  doc_1 <- ph_with(
    x = doc_1, value = "graphic title",
    location = ph_location_type(type = "title")

# add a external images ----
doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1,
  layout = "Title and Content",
  master = "Office Theme"
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = empty_content(),
  location = ph_location(
    left = 0, top = 0,
    width = sz$width, height = sz$height, bg = "black"

svg_file <- file.path(R.home(component = "doc"), "html/Rlogo.svg")
if (require("rsvg")) {
  doc_1 <- ph_with(
    x = doc_1, value = "External images",
    location = ph_location_type(type = "title")
  doc_1 <- ph_with(
    x = doc_1, external_img(svg_file, 100 / 72, 76 / 72),
    location = ph_location_right(), use_loc_size = FALSE
  doc_1 <- ph_with(
    x = doc_1, external_img(svg_file),
    location = ph_location_left(),
    use_loc_size = TRUE
#> Loading required package: rsvg
#> Linking to librsvg 2.48.9

# add a block_list ----
dummy_text <- readLines(system.file(
  package = "officer",
fp_1 <- fp_text(bold = TRUE, color = "pink", font.size = 0)
fp_2 <- fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 0)
fp_3 <- fp_text(italic = TRUE, color = "red", font.size = 0)
bl <- block_list(
  fpar(ftext("hello world", fp_1)),
    ftext("hello", fp_2),
    ftext("hello", fp_3)
doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = bl,
  location = ph_location_type(type = "body")

# fpar ------
fpt <- fp_text(
  bold = TRUE, = "Bradley Hand",
  font.size = 150, color = "#F5595B"
hw <- fpar(
  ftext("hello ", fpt),
    href = "",
    text = "cran", prop = fpt
doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = hw,
  location = ph_location_type(type = "body")
# unordered_list ----
ul <- unordered_list(
  level_list = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1),
  str_list = c("Level1", "Level2", "Level2", "Level3", "Level3", "Level1"),
  style = fp_text(color = "red", font.size = 0)
doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
doc_1 <- ph_with(
  x = doc_1, value = ul,
  location = ph_location_type()

print(doc_1, target = fileout)