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PowerPoint does not enforce unique placeholder labels in a layout. Selecting a placeholder via its label using ph_location_label will throw an error, if the label is not unique. layout_dedupe_ph_labels helps to detect, rename, or delete duplicate placholder labels.


layout_dedupe_ph_labels(x, action = "detect", print_info = FALSE)



An rpptx object.


Action to perform on duplicate placeholder labels. One of:

  • detect (default) = show info on dupes only, make no changes

  • rename = create unique labels. Labels are renamed by appending a sequential number separated by dot to duplicate labels. For example, c("title", "title") becomes c("title.1", "title.2").

  • delete = only keep one of the placeholders with a duplicate label


Print action information (e.g. renamed placeholders) to console? Default is FALSE. Always TRUE for action detect.


A rpptx object (with modified placeholder labels).


x <- read_pptx()
#> No duplicate placeholder labels detected.

file <- system.file("doc_examples", "ph_dupes.pptx", package = "officer")
x <- read_pptx(file)
#> Placeholders with duplicate labels:
#> * 'ph_label_new' = new placeholder label for action = 'rename'
#> * 'delete_flag' = deleted placeholders for action = 'delete'
#>   master_name layout_name  ph_label ph_label_new delete_flag
#> 1     Master1     2-dupes Content 7  Content 7.1       FALSE
#> 2     Master1     2-dupes Content 7  Content 7.2        TRUE
layout_dedupe_ph_labels(x, "rename", print_info = TRUE)
#> Renamed duplicate placeholder labels:
#> * 'ph_label_new' = new placeholder label
#>   master_name layout_name  ph_label ph_label_new
#> 1     Master1     2-dupes Content 7  Content 7.1
#> 2     Master1     2-dupes Content 7  Content 7.2