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The function will use the label of a placeholder to find the corresponding location.


ph_location_label(ph_label, newlabel = NULL, ...)



placeholder label of the used layout. It can be read in PowerPoint or with function layout_properties() in column ph_label.


a label to associate with the placeholder.


unused arguments


The location of the bounding box associated to a placeholder within a slide is specified with the left top coordinate, the width and the height. These are defined in inches:


left coordinate of the bounding box


top coordinate of the bounding box


width of the bounding box


height of the bounding box

In addition to these attributes, a label can be associated with the shape. Shapes, text boxes, images and other objects will be identified with that label in the Selection Pane of PowerPoint. This label can then be reused by other functions such as ph_location_label(). It can be set with argument newlabel.

See also


# ph_location_label demo ----

doc <- read_pptx()
doc <- add_slide(doc, layout = "Title and Content")

# all ph_label can be read here
layout_properties(doc, layout = "Title and Content")
#>    master_name              name   type type_idx id                   ph_label
#> 1 Office Theme Title and Content  title        1  2                    Title 1
#> 2 Office Theme Title and Content   body        1  3      Content Placeholder 2
#> 3 Office Theme Title and Content     dt        1  4         Date Placeholder 3
#> 4 Office Theme Title and Content    ftr        1  5       Footer Placeholder 4
#> 5 Office Theme Title and Content sldNum        1  6 Slide Number Placeholder 5
#>                                            ph     offx      offy       cx
#> 1                        <p:ph type="title"/> 0.500000 0.3003478 9.000000
#> 2                             <p:ph idx="1"/> 0.500000 1.7500000 9.000000
#> 3        <p:ph type="dt" sz="half" idx="10"/> 0.500000 6.9513889 2.333333
#> 4    <p:ph type="ftr" sz="quarter" idx="11"/> 3.416667 6.9513889 3.166667
#> 5 <p:ph type="sldNum" sz="quarter" idx="12"/> 7.166667 6.9513889 2.333333
#>          cy rotation                                 fld_id          fld_type
#> 1 1.2500000       NA                                   <NA>              <NA>
#> 2 4.9496533       NA                                   <NA>              <NA>
#> 3 0.3993056       NA {E6744CE3-0875-4B69-89C0-6F72D8139561} datetimeFigureOut
#> 4 0.3993056       NA                                   <NA>              <NA>
#> 5 0.3993056       NA {8DADB20D-508E-4C6D-A9E4-257D5607B0F6}          slidenum

doc <- ph_with(doc, head(iris),
  location = ph_location_label(ph_label = "Content Placeholder 2")
doc <- ph_with(doc, format(Sys.Date()),
  location = ph_location_label(ph_label = "Date Placeholder 3")
doc <- ph_with(doc, "This is a title",
  location = ph_location_label(ph_label = "Title 1")

print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx"))