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A sibling of ph_with that fills mutiple placeholders at once. Placeholder locations are specfied using the short form syntax. The location and corresponding object are passed as key value pairs (phs_with("short form location" = object)). Under the hood, ph_with is called for each pair. Note that phs_with does not cover all options from the ph_location_* family and is also less customization. It is a covenience wrapper for the most common use cases. The implemented short forms are listed in section "Short forms".


phs_with(x, ..., .dots = NULL, .slide_idx = NULL)



A rpptx object.


Key-value pairs of the form "short form location" = object. If the short form is an integer or a string with blanks, you must wrap it in quotes or backticks.


List of key-value pairs "short form location" = object. Alternative to ....


Numeric indexes of slides to process. NULL (default) processes the current slide only. Use keyword all for all slides.

Short forms

The following short forms are implemented and can be used as the parameter in the function call. The corresponding function from the ph_location_* family (called under the hood) is displayed on the right.

Short formDescriptionLocation function
"left"Keyword stringph_location_left()
"right"Keyword stringph_location_right()
"fullsize"Keyword stringph_location_fullsize()
"body [1]"String: type + index in brackets (1 if omitted)ph_location_type("body", 1)
"my_label"Any string not matching a keyword or typeph_location_label("my_label")
1Length 1 integerph_location_id(1)



# use key-value format to fill phs
x <- read_pptx()
x <- add_slide(x, "Two Content")
x <- phs_with(x,
  `Title 1` = "A title", # ph label
  dt = "Jan. 26, 2025", # ph type
  `body[2]` = "Body 2", # ph type + type index
  left = "Left side", # ph keyword
  `6` = "Footer" # ph index

# reuse ph content via the .dots arg
x <- read_pptx()
my_ph_list <- list(`6` = "Footer", dt = "Jan. 26, 2025")
x <- add_slide(x, "Two Content")
x <- phs_with(x, `Title 1` = "Title A", `body[2]` = "Body A", .dots = my_ph_list)
x <- add_slide(x, "Two Content")
x <- phs_with(x, `Title 1` = "Title B", `body[2]` = "Body B", .dots = my_ph_list)

# use the .slide_idx arg to select which slide(s) to process
x <- read_pptx()
x <- add_slide(x, "Two Content")
x <- add_slide(x, "Two Content")
x <- phs_with(x, `6` = "Footer", dt = "Jan. 26, 2025", .slide_idx = 1:2)

# run to see results
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
file <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
print(x, file)
browseURL(file) # may not work on all systems
} # }