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Create a paragraph representation by concatenating formatted text or images. The result can be inserted in a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation and can also be inserted in a block_list() call.

All its arguments will be concatenated to create a paragraph where chunks of text and images are associated with formatting properties.

fpar supports ftext(), external_img(), run_* functions (i.e. run_autonum(), run_word_field()) when output is Word, and simple strings.

Default text and paragraph formatting properties can also be modified with function update().


fpar(..., fp_p = fp_par(), fp_t = fp_text_lite(), values = NULL)

# S3 method for class 'fpar'
update(object, fp_p = NULL, fp_t = NULL, ...)



cot objects (ftext(), external_img())


paragraph formatting properties, see fp_par()


default text formatting properties. This is used as text formatting properties when simple text is provided as argument, see fp_text().


a list of cot objects. If provided, argument ... will be ignored.


fpar object


fpar(ftext("hello", shortcuts$fp_bold()))
#> $chunks
#> $chunks[[1]]
#> text: hello
#> format:
#>   font.size italic bold underlined color     shading fontname fontname_cs
#> 1        10  FALSE TRUE      FALSE black transparent    Arial       Arial
#>   fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi vertical_align
#> 1             Arial          Arial       baseline
#> $fp_p
#>                     values
#> text.align            left
#>              0
#> padding.bottom           0
#> padding.left             0
#> padding.right            0
#> shading.color  transparent
#> borders:
#>        width color style
#> top        0 black solid
#> bottom     0 black solid
#> left       0 black solid
#> right      0 black solid
#> $fp_t
#>   font.size italic bold underlined color shading fontname fontname_cs
#> 1        NA     NA   NA         NA    NA      NA       NA          NA
#>   fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi vertical_align
#> 1                NA             NA       baseline
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "fpar"  "block"

# mix text and image -----
img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )

bold_face <- shortcuts$fp_bold(font.size = 12)
bold_redface <- update(bold_face, color = "red")
fpar_1 <- fpar(
  "Hello World, ",
  ftext("how ", prop = bold_redface ),
  external_img(src = img.file, height = 1.06/2, width = 1.39/2),
  ftext(" you?", prop = bold_face ) )
#> $chunks
#> $chunks[[1]]
#> [1] "Hello World, "
#> $chunks[[2]]
#> text: how 
#> format:
#>   font.size italic bold underlined color     shading fontname fontname_cs
#> 1        12  FALSE TRUE      FALSE   red transparent    Arial       Arial
#>   fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi vertical_align
#> 1             Arial          Arial       baseline
#> $chunks[[3]]
#> [1] "/opt/R/4.4.3/lib/R/doc/html/logo.jpg"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "external_img" "cot"          "run"         
#> attr(,"dims")
#> attr(,"dims")$width
#> [1] 0.695
#> attr(,"dims")$height
#> [1] 0.53
#> attr(,"alt")
#> [1] ""
#> $chunks[[4]]
#> text:  you?
#> format:
#>   font.size italic bold underlined color     shading fontname fontname_cs
#> 1        12  FALSE TRUE      FALSE black transparent    Arial       Arial
#>   fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi vertical_align
#> 1             Arial          Arial       baseline
#> $fp_p
#>                     values
#> text.align            left
#>              0
#> padding.bottom           0
#> padding.left             0
#> padding.right            0
#> shading.color  transparent
#> borders:
#>        width color style
#> top        0 black solid
#> bottom     0 black solid
#> left       0 black solid
#> right      0 black solid
#> $fp_t
#>   font.size italic bold underlined color shading fontname fontname_cs
#> 1        NA     NA   NA         NA    NA      NA       NA          NA
#>   fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi vertical_align
#> 1                NA             NA       baseline
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "fpar"  "block"

img_in_par <- fpar(
  external_img(src = img.file, height = 1.06/2, width = 1.39/2),
  fp_p = fp_par(text.align = "center") )