A section is a grouping of blocks (ie. paragraphs and tables) that have a set of properties that define pages on which the text will appear.
A Section properties object stores information about page composition, such as page size, page orientation, borders and margins.
page_size = NULL,
page_margins = NULL,
type = NULL,
section_columns = NULL,
header_default = NULL,
header_even = NULL,
header_first = NULL,
footer_default = NULL,
footer_even = NULL,
footer_first = NULL
- page_size
page dimensions, an object generated with function page_size.
- page_margins
page margins, an object generated with function page_mar.
- type
Section type. It defines how the contents of the section will be placed relative to the previous section. Available types are "continuous" (begins the section on the next paragraph), "evenPage" (begins on the next even-numbered page), "nextColumn" (begins on the next column on the page), "nextPage" (begins on the following page), "oddPage" (begins on the next odd-numbered page).
- section_columns
section columns, an object generated with function section_columns. Use NULL (default value) for no content.
- header_default
content as a
for the default page header. Use NULL (default value) for no content.- header_even
content as a
for the even page header. Use NULL (default value) for no content.- header_first
content as a
for the first page header. Use NULL (default value) for no content.content as a
for the default page footer. Use NULL (default value) for no content.content as a
for the even page footer. Use NULL (default value) for no content.content as a
for the default page footer. Use NULL (default value) for no content.
See also
Other functions for section definition:
landscape_one_column <- block_section(
page_size = page_size(orient = "landscape"), type = "continuous"
landscape_two_columns <- block_section(
page_size = page_size(orient = "landscape"), type = "continuous",
section_columns = section_columns(widths = c(4.75, 4.75))
doc_1 <- read_docx()
# there starts section with landscape_one_column
doc_1 <- body_add_table(doc_1, value = mtcars[1:10, ], style = "table_template")
doc_1 <- body_end_block_section(doc_1, value = landscape_one_column)
# there stops section with landscape_one_column
# there starts section with landscape_two_columns
doc_1 <- body_add_par(doc_1, value = paste(rep(letters, 50), collapse = " "))
doc_1 <- body_end_block_section(doc_1, value = landscape_two_columns)
# there stops section with landscape_two_columns
doc_1 <- body_add_table(doc_1, value = mtcars[1:25, ], style = "table_template")
print(doc_1, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
# an example with headers and footers -----
txt_lorem <- rep(
"Purus lectus eros metus turpis mattis platea praesent sed. ",
txt_lorem <- paste0(txt_lorem, collapse = "")
header_first <- block_list(fpar(ftext("text for first page header")))
header_even <- block_list(fpar(ftext("text for even page header")))
header_default <- block_list(fpar(ftext("text for default page header")))
footer_first <- block_list(fpar(ftext("text for first page footer")))
footer_even <- block_list(fpar(ftext("text for even page footer")))
footer_default <- block_list(fpar(ftext("text for default page footer")))
ps <- prop_section(
header_default = header_default, footer_default = footer_default,
header_first = header_first, footer_first = footer_first,
header_even = header_even, footer_even = footer_even
x <- read_docx()
for (i in 1:20) {
x <- body_add_par(x, value = txt_lorem)
x <- body_set_default_section(
value = ps
print(x, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))